
欺骗的评估 萨克拉门托州




2022年3月, 科罗拉多州立大学董事会, in response to troubling reports of sexual 骚扰 and other misconduct, commissioned the Institutional Response Group of the Cozen O’Connor law firm to conduct a comprehensive, systemwide independent assessment of the CSU’s implementation of 第九条 and other anti-discrimination programs.

评估, 这是同类审查中规模最大、最全面的一次, included visits to all 23 CSU campuses and the Chancellor’s Office and feedback from more than 18,000名学生, 工作人员, 和老师. Its goal was to strengthen the culture in the workplace and the classroom so that it is better aligned with the CSU’s core values. 评估考虑了当前的实践并提供了见解, recommendations and resources to advance the CSU's 第九条 and DHR training, 意识, 预防, 干预, 遵从性和支持系统, 以及校园文化和氛围.

7月17日, 2023, Cozen小组公布了他们的报告, 其中包括23个校区的单独报告, 包括萨克拉门托州立大学.

第九条 is a federal law that requires educational institutions receiving funds to address discrimination and 骚扰 based on sex. This law factors into 萨克拉门托州’s policies on investigating and providing resources for anyone who has experienced 性剥削, 不当性行为(包括性殴打和强奸), 约会或家庭暴力, 和被人跟踪.


科恩·奥康纳从10月11日开始参观校园. 于2022年11月11日至13日举行了Zoom后续会议. The Cozen group conducted 21 meetings with 37 administrators and other key University partners, 其中一些人他们谈过很多次. 他们还寻求学生的反馈, 工作人员, 和教师面对面交流, 通过全系统的在线调查, 通过电子邮件, 以及在Zoom上的个别会议期间.


  • The 平等机会办公室 (OEO) is under-resourced to serve the needs of the University. 正因为如此, OEO没有能力计划和参与尽可能多的社区外展活动, or as many 预防 and education programs as needed and as occurred prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 校园社区的一些部分, 特别是学生, 对什么是OEO缺乏基本的理解, 它是做什么的, 它提供的服务和资源, 以及它在校园里的位置. The Cozen group recommends the University take steps to increase community 意识 and visibility of OEO.
  • Some campus partners expressed confusion or concern about how OEO evaluates whether a case constitutes a potential Nondiscrimination Policy violation. The Cozen group also noted that OEO does not always formally separate its intake/outreach functions from its investigative function, 哪些因素可能导致初始评估过程不完善. 他们建议, 在其他步骤中, the University create a formal multidisciplinary team that meets regularly to discuss all reports related to 第九条 and DHR.
  • 考虑到人员配备和资源方面的挑战, 大学的预防和教育方法是临时的, 而不是战略性的, 预防和教育规划很少. The Cozen group recommends the University build a formal 预防 and education program, including a dedicated 预防 coordinator and a campus Prevention and Education Oversight Committee.
  • The University has inconsistent documentation and record-keeping practices. 因为这些不一致, information is not always maintained centrally and cannot always be easily accessed by OEO or other departments. The Cozen group recommends that the University develop protocols for consistent collection and retention of data that can be easily shared, 跟踪, 和查询.
  • Cozen小组了解到了一些重要的问题, 包括最近的偏见事件, on campus that have not been sufficiently addressed through existing processes, as well as confusion and lack of clarity between OEO and other campus partners responsible for responding to such behaviors. Though noting 囊状态 has already taken proactive steps to address such “other conduct of concern,” the group recommends the University work with the Chancellor’s Office and CSU Office of General Counsel to develop a formal process to address reports of conduct that are not reported to have been on the basis of protected status or that do not rise to the policy thresholds for discrimination or 骚扰.

萨克拉门托州 respects the CSU’s transparency and recommendations to improve each campuses’ response to allegations of 第九条 violations. The safety of the 萨克拉门托州 campus community remains our top priority. 大学致力于防止伤害, 及时有效地对违规举报作出反应, 并采取适当的行动.

作为一个校园, 我们会研究整个Cozen报告, 通过建立的校园第九条执行小组, 系统、全面落实各项建议, 根据基社盟总理办公室的指控.

As an anchor university, building trust with our campus community will always remain a priority. 萨克拉门托州立大学是一个安全的校园,每个人都属于这里. It will continue to take seriously and work with integrity to increase our community’s confidence in us to prevent and address sexual violence and sexual 骚扰.

囊状态 has taken several important steps to strengthen its response to reports of 第九条 violations (sexual 骚扰, 不正当的性行为, 性剥削, 约会和家庭暴力, 跟踪)和DHR(歧视), 骚扰, 和报复)自Cozen小组访问以来:

  • 开发了一个 性暴力预防、安全和支助行动计划 在我们的网站上公开展示和更新.
  • 聘请了第二位校园保密律师, 额外的平等机会办公室(OEO)调查员, OEO行政支援协调员, and two student outreach interns to promote the University’s Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment educational campaign.
  • Established a 校园第九条评估 Implementation Team to support the implementation of the recommendations in anticipation of the report released on July 17.
  • Various campus departments/offices have increased their education and 预防 programming efforts, 包括但不限于新的/更新的预防活动(C.L.E.A.R. 同意, 红色区域), 教育视频, 面对面和虚拟的性暴力意识培训, 校园性暴力预防研讨会, 和其他人.
  • 公司reased general and targeted training to the entire campus community that includes information on how to report and why reporting promotes the University’s commitment to creating a safe and healthy environment for all campus community members.

囊状态 offers extensive 预防 and education programming around sexual 骚扰/不正当的性行为. We recognize that filing a report takes emotional labor and we will continue to approach and handle reports with compassion and care.


  • 为联合学生公司提供针对性培训., 大学的宿舍, 体育运动, 行政领导和管理人员, 以及强制性的员工/主管在线培训, 防治研讨会, 研讨会, 和嵌合.
  • Hosting a multitude of programming throughout Sexual Awareness Action Month (SAAM) each April.
  • Collaborating with various campus programs and services and offering 预防 programming each month of the 2023-24 academic year.

实施Cozen的建议是一个持续的过程, 实施一些建议需要两到三年的时间.